Kota Bharu's central market
It's fair to say that Kota Bharu isn't the most exciting place in Malaysia, but in the middle of town there's the most incredible market.
With brightly painted walls and a glass roof, it's filled with colour and light. The fresh food area on the ground floor is where all the action happens, and there are great people-watching spots past the spice shops and clothes stalls on the higher floors.
Most of the stalls are run by smiling Malay women who sit on raised platforms in the middle of piles of the freshest looking fruits and vegetables. There is such a variety of things on offer here – no need for a supermarket in this town!
The market is open from 6 am, but the best time to visit is a little later on in the morning once all the stalls are open.
Pasar Besar Siti Khadijah, Jalan Pintu Pong, Kota Bharu.
Up next – the Perhentian islands!